Is your hair thinning?

Is your hair thinning?



We have noticed now more than ever that people have been experiencing hair loss resulting in increased stress and anxiety. We don't know if you remember the Crypt Keeper from the early 2000’s show “goosebumps”, but the thinning corpse hair is not a vibe! While you may be imagining this happening to you when you see the extra strands of hair in the shower drain, most of the time it's an imbalance causing this, and a simple trip to the doctor can resolve the issues you're having. Factors like hormone imbalance, low iron levels and diet can be the root cause of hair issues and once balanced this may resolve the unwanted shed. After speaking to a doctor, if the problem doesn't go away, we have some tricks up our sleeves that may help! 



Oribe Serene Scalp Products

Oribe's Serene Scalp line is meticulously formulated to harmonize the scalp to promote healthy hair growth. Soothe scalp concerns with these skincare-inspired formulas that relieve dandruff, reduce excess oil, balance a dry, or itchy scalp and boost hair density. The collection includes shampoos, conditioners, and scalp treatments, featuring a scrub, serum, and spray, to encourage a healthy scalp for the best chance of hair growth. Shop the collection here, or talk to your stylist about these products at your next appointment. Download your copy of the product guide here.



If you are still facing continued hair thinning, after ensuring your diet and nutrition are in check and your scalp is balanced, not all hope is lost, there have been significant advances in stimulating hair growth with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP provides a modern solution to address hair loss where traditional methods may fall short. Let's explore how PRP offers an approach to revitalizing hair growth for those seeking new remedies.


Here's a message from our friends at Stratica:

What is PRP? 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a procedure that involves two elements: plasma and platelets. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood, while platelets are a type of blood cell that plays a vital role in healing the body. Platelets contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction, stimulate tissue regeneration, and promote healing in the affected area. The procedure involves drawing a vial of blood and spinning it in a centrifuge, leaving behind only the plasma to be injected. The PRP can be injected into various areas of the body, such as the sub-dermal layer of the scalp, eyes, neck, or face. 

PRP for hair loss 

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) for hair loss is a minimally invasive procedure that involves drawing a patient's blood, processing it to extract platelet-rich plasma containing growth factors, and then injecting this PRP into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles, promote hair growth, and combat hair loss by improving hair thickness and density. 

How much does PRP Cost? 

The cost of PRP treatments can vary widely and depends on factors like the specific area being treated, the concern being addressed, and the number of treatments required for your particular needs. In general, PRP treatments typically range from $500 to $700 per session. Discuss with your provider about PRP packages and pricing options. 

When can I expect to see results? 

Results from PRP treatments vary from person to person. Generally, noticeable improvements can be seen around 6 weeks after treatment. For the most optimal results, it often requires a series of 6 to 9 treatments. 

The number of PRP treatments required depends on the specific condition being treated and the individual's response. Typically, a series of 6 to 9 treatments are recommended for optimal and lasting results. Your healthcare provider will assess your progress and guide the number of treatments needed. 

What are the benefits? 

The benefits of PRP include its natural approach, as it utilizes your blood components, primarily platelets, to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration. This makes PRP a minimally invasive and safe option. There is little to no downtime involved, and no scarring. 

How does PRP work? 

PRP works by drawing a small amount of your blood and then processing it to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. This concentrated plasma is then injected or applied to the treatment area.

Platelets contain growth factors that promote tissue healing, collagen production, and cellular rejuvenation, which aids in the desired therapeutic effects. 

Does PRP Hurt? 

The level of discomfort experienced during PRP treatment can vary from person to person. Some individuals report mild discomfort or a sensation similar to a mild pinch at the injection site. However, it is generally well-tolerated, and your healthcare provider may use numbing agents to minimize any discomfort. 

If you would like to learn more about PRP and see if this treatment is right for you, book a complimentary PRP consultation for Hair Loss with one of our providers at Stratica Dermatology. When you book, don't forget to mention 'Frankie' to enjoy a special offer on your treatment. Visit Stratica.

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